Interesting Articles
Artist Specific Articles

Anathema - Hindsight Review of Anathema's album, Hindight. Discussion of their use of EBow on various cuts. – Anathema
Interview with Albert Gimenez EBow topic begins towards the middle of the page.

Phil Keaggy: Technique and Technology EBow discussion at the end of article. – Phil Keaggy

Richard Barone: My EBow And Me – Richard Barone
Odds & Ends

Sethwork Phil Niblock performs "Sethwork". Twenty two minutes of sustained undulating EBow. This haunting piece was the soundtrack to two simultaneously projected films. "Using an e-bow, Josel, an American living in Germany, will create a series of overlaid sustained guitar pitches, filling the hall with a rich texture of sound projected through an array of sophisticated speakers, immersing the audience in an overpowering audio illusion." – Phil Niblock

What on earth is an EBow Snare? Using a pair of EBows (electromagnetic devices designed to sustain guitar strings), Gino is able to play melodic material using the metal snares of his snare drum. Different pitches can be played by stopping or stretching a snare strand with the fingers. The timbre is somewhat reminiscent of the Theremin, especially when a contact mic is used to amplify the snares. – Gino Robair
The Last Temptation of Christ Wikipedia entry - Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ - David Rhodes plays EBow on Wall Of Breath and Bread And Wine.

Wikipedia entry. – California Guitar Trio
Random Discussions
Hail the mighty EBow! Talk about EBow collections on the Gear Page

Craig Anderton thread on MusicPlayer forum – Craig Anderton
Take the C Train EBow on piano – Karlheinz Essl
EBow on Bass
EBow for Bass Discussion on the use of EBow on Bass

Michael Manring - Beyond genres and niches Some talk of the EBow. Search for "bow" on the page to find mentions of the EBow. – Michael Manring
Blog Mentions
eBow Guitar Effect Review Video and discussion.
Video Tutorials

Mats Hedberg - EBow Guitar Techniques, exercises and songs with EBow – Mats Hedberg
EBow Searches
Flickr Some interesting EBow pictures.
Google Image Search Images of the EBow.
YouTube Search for latest YouTube videos with ebow tag.
instagram Some great videos on instagram. Just search for "ebow".